Determine field of vision
Refractive errors are measured with a unit called the diopter. The higher the far-sightedness or near-sightedness, the higher your glasses score.Refractive errors Treatment
Refractive surgery (LASIK, PRK) is performed with the world's most advanced Wave light EX500 alkanes.The retina is a light-sensitive nerve tissue that forms as a thin layer inside the posterior portion of the eyeball. Whenever the retina communicates with the lower choroid, due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients, the retina loses its function and the person becomes visually impaired.
Retina Diseases types
People can develop retina diseases from birth to middle age, such as colorectal or neonatal retinopathy that will accompany from birth.Retinal examination
Laser treatments and OCT (Angiography with fluorescein injection) are performed to detect macular degeneration.As the age of the composition of some eye proteins changes and in some areas irregularly accumulate and cause lens opacity in some areas. Also, the optic nerve is usually damaged due to increased eye pressure. Cataracts and glaucoma are the result of these disorders.
Cataract is called opaque lens opacity. Age cataract is the most common type of cataract.Glaucoma
In the glaucoma, the optic nerve is damaged. The goal of treatment is also to stop complete destruction of the optic nerve.The conjunctival is a thin, translucent membrane that covers the anterior whites of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. The word pink eye can refer to all kinds or infectious cases. Conjunctivitis may be due to microbial, viral, allergic or foreign body stimulation. symptoms may be a clue to its type.
Eye inflammation
The most obvious symptom of conjunctivitis is redness of the eye. Eye redness is caused by inflammation and conjunctivitis.Treatment of Conjunctivitis
First of all, it should be prevented. Both types of viral and bacterial conjunctivitis spread rapidly and spread to other people.Photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery
Photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery
What is the comparison of PRK and LASIK?
What is the comparison of PRK and LASIK?
What is the Photophobia ?
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